Larry's Goat Saga...
(The Never-Ending Story!)
The New Goat House
It will only take me 20 years to pay off the loan!
Goats in the Grand Staircase Escalante
Goats doing what they do best!
Coffee Bean
Newest -- Brought Home June 2011
The Goat Stancion
Built with scrap lumber

Taken May 22, 2004, when the goats were first in their new home!
Shadow (Black/White Alpine) Sassy-Brown (Oberhasi/Alpine)
(Sadly, Shadow broke his left rear leg early on. I thought it would prevent him from packing since the repair
of the leg left it at about a 45 degree angle from true. However the pictures at the bottom show that he
can hike, he just won't be able to carry the weight of a normal goat.)

During a Hike on the Crooked River... My first hike with a goat, incidentally.
(Near Edna Creek Campground)

Why do they put this stuff so far down!
(Leavenworth - June 2004)

Say What?? Come where?
(Leavenworth - June 2004)

Look at This! I could be a tree climber too!
(Leavenworth - June 2004)

Little Brother, Alpine
Added about two months after Shadow and Sassy-Brown.

This just isn't high enough! And the cover's all broken now!
(And guess who did that!)

So who invited those LaMancha interlopers in here anyway!!??
And look at those ears. They must have done too much rubbing on the fence!

Blackjack - La Mancha
July 25, 2004

CocoaBrownie - La Mancha
June, 2005

Hiking the Big Horn Crags-August 2005

Hiking the Big Horn Crags-August 2005
Hiking the Big Horn Crags-August 2005
Hiking the Big Horn Crags-August 2005