Elk Neighbors
Every Spring and Fall we experience a first-hand look at the local fauna. Most common is the elk. They spend a month
or so in the local area until the temps rise and they them move on up into the high country. Because of the building
going on in the fields below us, there are a lot fewer than in years past. We could then see 70-80 coming around the
edge of the hill grazing their way up to the top of the ridge and beyond. 20-30 is now about the most that are seen.

April 19th, 8AM

Top of the hill to the south

This morning was interesting. They came over the ridge, milled around for a while, the moved back over the ridge. First time for that! Usually they continue on to the north.

April 8th, 7AM
April 7th, 7AM

Top of the hill south of the house

Looking southwest

Hill to the south. The elk usually come across the side of this hill to the right & proceed on up to the top of the ridge.

The elk are getting uncomfortably close to the goat pen.

And Smoky is going to make sure those dang elk don't get out of line... right! He's apparently forgotten that he's under arrest!